
Past Dogs


Artwork above and below, (Amasa and Lily) by Elle Lawendowski


Below, Kumakura Sweet Potato Pie-Pie, CGC 'Amasa' at Ixonia, WI competing in BIS Altered class


Photos below left and right at Amasa's 3rd birthday (2008). Center below, Amasa after winning BIS Altered in Racine July 14, 2007

photos by Thomas Photography

Below, Lynn with her pack as of July 2007: l-r--Dancer, Lily (in lap) Tina, and Amasa lying down in front

Below photo left: Amasa with puppy Quinn January 2008 and photo right (Thomas Photography), Phoenix and Amasa (l-r)

Photo below left: Lily and Amasa and Photo below right: Amasa left, Quinn middle and Finn right


Below, Elise with Lily (left) and Amasa, right


Photo below left--Lily (l) and Lucy (r) by Thomas Photograpy

Below, Lily left earning a Group 4, center portrait of Lily, and right Group 1 with judge Myles Notaro

Above, 'an evening in Racine' and below, Lily swimming at a friend's house, after a Pom specialty..


Below, Lucy swimming at a friend's house--she wants me to take her out of the pool.

Lucy during her show career below (by Thomas Photography)

Below, l-r Lily, Lucy and Solomon

Below, Solomon, Lily and Lucy from l-r

Solomon in the snow below


Below, "Solomon as a Grecian Urn"

Below, Lucy left and Lily right--sharing a bed


Below, UKC Gr. Ch. Jan-Le's Orange Jubilee', 'Lily', competing in the 2008 UKC Top Ten

More Lily below


Below, l-r Lily, Solomon and 'Lucy '- Jan-Le's Turn Me Loose.

Lily, below

Below, Lucy left and Solomon right (with Elise)




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